Attempted to come out with a political post last week but decided to call it off because i was lack of vocabs to filled in, pretty much because I had mixed feelings through out the whole week.. thus my mind was as solitary as my soul. My intention of publishing my own comments or p.o.v on the political scene here in Malaysia had been warned by my father - one wrong step/phrase, i might be arrested by I.S.A. I reckon it is not worth it, might as well I sit quietly watching the political epic and laugh out loud like no one cares. Seriously, it is so epic... it look more like a huge joke now.

Leaving the epic behind, I get hold to my life which it seems not much exciting these days. Yea, I had fun most of the time, but it ain't excites me much. The fun seems to feel so... blunt. Where the spark gone?

I found out many some sort of superhuman comic movies are conquering the cinema these days. I'm not much of a movie junkie, as per known by many people. But... damn, I really need to find some time to go to the cinema as I eagerly wanna do marathon on these 3 movies:

And since I am so used to it, I dont mind watching them alone. I think its a perfect idea for me to get intact with my own childhood memories. (love it!)

I also get intact with my fellow ex-sktp-ians these days, in facebook that is. I found (or they found me, actually) 15 of the 3 Intan '95 alumni and we're all excited for the reunion in the making. It's been 14 years... perhaps if we can get more people and get in touch with Pn.Adeda, the reunion is so gonna ON!

Oops! I did it again! Due to my over curiosity i found out... that 'dude' is married! So much for 'fly me to the moon' momentos. Hahhaha. Its a good thing I guess. If its not because of my curiosity, I might still drooling on a married man! (once upon a time i quoted 'Curiosity Kills' and now i wonder 'am I gonna die in my own curiosity someday?') Next!

Here I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Maciej Pilarczyk, my really really really long time mate (yea, we sorta know each other since.. what? i was 14?), who had just got engaged recently. Sad that I only knew this from Adam (the brother), and not from the yours truely himself. Perhaps he got his own reason to keep it low. Anyhow, massive congrats to Mak n his fiancee! Cheers!

No... he DID NOT got engaged to Lucia, the cat!

Just a quick one on the music act. I have to admit that I recently slowing myself from the music scene due to my commitments with the work and the family (plus catching up with my own personal life). But it ain't a valid reason not to support my fellow friends.

Congratz to Imran Ajmain for the release of his 2nd single - Jika Engkau Pergi, which also the theme song of new Samarinda's slot 'Yusuff'. The song is superb, I still cannot get the orchestra off my head. Thus, kudos to u - Imran, and Sulu Sarawak. 5 thumbs up!

Also best of luck to Pop Shuvit for their new single Oh! Sizuka which will release on 11th March 2009. Oh my... I miss u guys to the bits! Now u guys got all brand new streetteam proteges to replace me but anyhow I will drop by at the scene once in a while. I hope this new single will rock, like you guys always do. Gambatte!!!


1. If I'm rich enough, i might get Imran Ajmain and Afgan theirselves to serenades me every night till I soundly asleep. But since much of crazy dreams like this is so crazy, till God might also think He'll be crazy if approve such crazy wishes like this... this is why human invented radio, CDs and ipod. And also handphones equiped with media player!

2. Still waiting for the relaunching of 21:05 Productions. =p


Dear Lydia,

You've always been one of our most treasured supporters ... through thick and thin ... and hey, we could always use any sort of help or involvement in the Shuvit affairs...

ROck On!